A Professional Association
The Origins of CHA - please note, this entire website is currently under review and construction and in transition process from this site into
Please check out our new updated and adjusted site
This site will be shut down a some point in the near future.
In love and light
Detlef Joe Friede, President
The Association was founded in 1977 by a dedicated group of therapists, who wanted to firmly establish hypnotherapy as a functional tool for the promotion of physical and emotional health.
The original Executives established a non-profit society and established the foundations for our present policies and procedures, and standards for the required number of hours, curriculum and examinations for each level of hypnotherapy training.
We are the longest standing hypnotherapy association in Canada, with numerous international connections."
Our Executive consists of elected volunteers who believe in the therapeutic value of hypnotherapy and who encourage and maintain high standards of professional practice in our field.
Welcome to the site for the Canadian Hypnotherapy Association (CHA). We are very pleased that you have stopped by to learn more. The CHA is comprised of members across the country trained as clinical hypnotherapists. We are committed to the highest levels of practice and ethics and are invested in demystifying hypnotherapy and teaching how it can be helpful. If you are reading this and you are interested in learning about how hypnotherapy could benefit you we look forward to hearing from you. If you are contemplating becoming a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist we are happy to answer any questions you have about the certification process.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for change as it accesses the subconscious part of your mind and creates permanent changes in your thinking, feelings and behaviours. During hypnosis you become deeply relaxed and peaceful. Hypnotherapy/hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness for the sub-conscious mind which is induced through relaxation and is different from everyday awareness. During the hypnotherapy/hypnosis process you often gain insight into where problems began and you release that initial trigger that may have caused the illness, negative habit (or undesirable behavior). Hypnosis can help you to release trauma that has been long-held in the body.

Di Cherry,
Past President
It is with great sadness
that we have to announce:
Di passed on
January 14, 2014
Celebration of Life
Monday, February 10, 2014
Van Dusen Botanical Garden
5251 Oak St, Vancouver,
BC V6M 4H1

Detlef Joe Friede,
2013/14 President